Wednesday 1 November 2017

REVIEW: Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Clay Cleanser

This Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Clay Cleanser costs USD 45 (SGD 62). This is the most expensive facial cleanser that I have bought so far! I actually have this mantra (which AG always disagree with me) that if something is expensive, that means it must be good and effective. I purchased this Ceramic Slip cleanser out of curiosity to see whether an expensive cleanser actually does what it says. Ceramic Slip Clay Cleanser is targeted for those with normal to oily skin type. What attracted me to this cleanser, besides the many positive reviews and that it is Sunday Riley, is its clay and Vitamin C ingredients. I was hoping that these ingredients will help with my oily acne skin and reduce my large pores, and brighten my uneven skin tone. Sunday Riley claims that this skin-balancing cleanser will visibly tighten the appearance of pores. The French green clay and Morroccan rhassoul clay is supposed to remove pore-clogging, excess oil and impurities, without drying the skin. Neroli essential oil claims to balance and soothe the skin, while Vitamin C ester helps to brighten the skin.

Despite the hundreds of positive reviews on this product, it is not worth your money. I would describe this product as a wonderful basic cleanser with a not-so basic price tag.
It claims that it would tighten the appearance of large pores but I disagree, I can still see my large pores! And surprise surprise, my skin still looks uneven. The not-so-good thing about Sunday Riley Cleanser is that it does not smell that pleasant, but still tolerable for my nose. AG, on the other hand, cannot tolerate the strong scent. Secondly, before using this product, you must first shake it well before pumping it. The only two things I enjoyed about this product is that it deep cleanse my face without drying it out, and the pump makes it very convenient for a lazy user like me who hates squeezing out the product especially when I am half awake in the morning.
A bottle with 125ml of product took about 5 months to be used up. I wash my face twice a day with Ceramic Slip Cleanser, two pumps for each use. Honestly, I cannot tell the difference between this USD45 cleanser and USD10-15 ones. I would rather you save the money and get a more affordable cleanser which works equally as well, and spend more on eye cream, serum, moisturizer and sunscreen.

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