Sunday 17 January 2016

DRX Clinic Journey Part 8 (8 Months After)


My first visit to DRX Clinic for 2016. 
It was a regular follow-up visit with Dr. Tsu. We discussed a few issues, specifically regarding the results of the milia seed removal. Click the link for my experience with milia removal at DRX Clinic.

Top: 20 May 2015 vs Bottom: 15 Jan 2016
 Top: 20 May 2015 vs Bottom: 15 Jan 2016
What did Dr. Tsu said about the results of the milia removal?
Dr. Tsu said that even though it has been six weeks, my under eye area where the milia seeds were removed are still recovering. There are still some red/brown scars. He mentioned that for someone of my age (p.s: late 20s), it should have fully recovered by now. Though those skin tags/milia seeds removed on the forehead have fully healed. In general, Dr. Tsu said my skin does not scar so he was quite puzzled on why the scabs under the eyes have not fully recovered. He also pointed out that are some recurrence of milia seeds where it had been removed. We will discuss on the next follow-up visit on what to do next, as he want to see further how my skin recovery will be.  

Milia recurrence 
How does spironolactone works? Is it safe?
So, I have been on spironolactone for almost 8 months now. This does work to help control my acne, though the results are not immediate. See the noticeable difference in my skin condition in the comparison pictures above. It took about 3-4 months for me to see the effects of spironolactone. So far, I do not notice any side effects. 
Dr. Tsu mentioned that spironolactone aids in acne treatment by blocking androgen, which is male hormones. When a individual get stressed, the body produces androgen, which research have shown cause acne. Dr. Tsu re-assured me that spironolactone is safe to take for an extended period of time, and he added that he will not prescribe any medication that is unsafe for me. I commend Dr. Tsu for being a responsible dermatologist. Hearing horror stories from my family members and friends, I know of some dermatologists who are unethical and will just prescribe the most expensive treatment for acne. I am GLAD Dr. Tsu is not one of them!

Why you suffer breakouts on your chin during the time of the month?
Dr. Tsu mentioned that pimples on chin are hormonal. That is why you breakout around your chin during the time of the month. Dr. Tsu recommended that I continue to apply Acne Spot Lotion on those hidden pimples. 

To squeeze or not to squeeze whitehead pimples?
This is something that we have heard many times. Personally, I try not to squeeze my whitehead pimples because I am scared that it will lead to scarring. But those whitehead pimples are so difficult to resist squeezing. Dr. Tsu advised to only squeeze whitehead pimples that are obvious and with care. He reminded me not to over-squeeze the whitehead pimples as it can get more inflamed. If you feel that there is something left on the whitehead pimples or it re-emerges, just continue to apply Acne Spot Lotion as the skin is still inflamed. 

Why do I breakout when I travel?
Being on a plane itself can be a stress trigger. Another factor might be the bad air on the plane. According to Dr. Tsu, a number of his patients that also came back from Bangkok also suffered from breakout. I had recently traveled to Bangkok and had a few huge pimples the day after, my sister also experienced the same thing.


  1. Hi, I have acne problems (currently on antibiotics from skin centre) and am considering DRx clinic. Would you recommend it on a whole?

    1. @yuu: Hello! Even though the products at DRX Clinic can get pricy, I spend about $1,000 during the past eight months. I do feel that it has helped control my breakouts. The consulting doctor will assess your conditions and determine the best treatments for you. Dr. Tsu is good as he does not "push" his patients to buy products or to do invasive treatments. He tailors the treatment to your preferences/lifestyles. I hope this helps! Please feel free to email me at if you need more information.

  2. Hi! chance upon your blog. Im researching on Drx clinic before making an appointment with them. Found out that their products are really pricey! Have you tried stopping/switching their products after your skin recover and still maintain good skin?

    1. Hello! Currently, I substitute some of Derma-RX products such as the Milk Cleanser, Foaming Cleanser and Hydrator. I have been doing so for over 3 months, and still have decent skin. Now I only use Derma-RX Toner, Comodone Formula, Blemish Formula, Max-C, Acne Spot Solution and Tinted Sunscreen. Each bottle lasts me a minimum of 4 months, some products such as Blemish Formula and Comodone Formula lasts even longer - for about 6 months. If you calculate the monthly costs, it is about $110-130 per month. But do note, that I am still on oral medication so it might attribute to my good skin condition. Feel free to email me at if you have any more questions.
