Tuesday 27 September 2016

Q&A: Fresh Umbrian Clay Oil-Free Lotion

50 ml of product
Comes with a cap to protect the pump 
Q: How much did you buy Fresh Umbrian Clay Oil-Free Lotion for?
A: Bought it from Changi Airport Shilla Duty Free for S$58.60. It is a good idea to buy beauty products at the airport because it is tax-free.

Q: Why did you decide to try this Fresh Umbrian Clay Oil-Free Lotion?
A: Been wanting to try this Fresh Umbrian Clay Oil-Free Lotion for years. This lotion is designed for oily skin type. The Umbrian Clay claims to regulate sebum production and absorbs impurities from pores. Because I have oily T-zones, I thought it would help balance my skin. The fact that it is oil-free is also a plus.

Q: How long have you been using this lotion?
A: For about two months daily. I use this Fresh lotion in the morning only. At night, I switch to a more hydrating face moisturizer.

Q: What do you like about this product? 
A: The pump packaging is very convenient. The plastic packaging is worry-free for traveling. This is lightweight lotion. It moisturizes and soothes my skin after application. In my honest opinion, it does help to regulate sebum production in my T-zones. Though my cheeks area felt tight after use. Compared to Fresh Rose Cream, my skin is less oily with the use of Fresh Umbrian Clay Lotion.

Q: What do you want to improve about this product?
A: This lotion can be too dry if you spend a large amount of time in air-conditioning rooms. In my experience, my cheeks area feel dry an hour after I applied the lotion in my air-conditioned office. If I know I will be taking a flight, I will use two pumps of lotion to better hydrate my skin especially the cheeks area. It does not help reduce blackheads or prevent pimples. I thought the clay ingredients would have helped with reducing blemishes. 

Q: Would you recommend this lotion to your friends? A: Would not recommend this Fresh Umbrian Clay Lotion because it is too drying for my cheeks area. This oil-free lotion might work better for someone that has a truly oily skin type. My skin type is somewhat oily and combination skin.

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