Saturday 12 October 2013

REVIEW: Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream



"I cannot imagine a day without my 8 hour cream."


Been using it since December '12 because my lip was very dry and chapped. My lip was never this terrible. I tried applying my ex-lover 'Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment' and even its 'Advanced Treatment', but none work! I tried exfoliating my lips with the 'Fresh Sugar Lip Polish' at night. It kind of worked, but my lip would returned to its ugly state the next afternoon or evening.  

I have been hearing many good reviews about this skin protectant. The words 'Eight hour' in its title was another reason that got me attracted to this product. I really wanted to find out whether it can stay 8 hours on my lips. Was in a desperate mode to rescue my lips, so, I just had to get it.

Some of its important ingredients are: 
(1) Salicylic Acid, which gently helps to exfoliate for a smoother skin and this is why this is the lip balm to go for; 
(2) Vitamin E, which is always good for our skin; 
(3) Petrolatum, which the main star. It makes up 56.8% of the product.
        Many people say that this cream is just an overpriced 'Vaseline Petroleum Jelly' but no, my friends! Once you try the '8 hour', you will know why people (like me!) are crazy about it.

I started using my '8 hour cream' every morning, every afternoon, every night, after showers, before sleep, before doing my makeup... in general, whenever my lip is dry. Thankfully, this stuff works! Even though my lip is back to its normal state now, I am still continuing using it!  
I have one in my beauty corner and one in my handbag. It is the perfect lip treatment.

Another reason why I love the 'Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream' is its multipurpose.
  • I used it as a hand cream when I want 100% moisturize hands like in the airplane.
  • Also in the airplane, I used this as a facial mask since the air is very dry up there, so the '8 cream' acts superb as a face protectant and keep my face hydrated. Even though the cream is very thick and moisturizing, it does not break me out, which I still find it weird.
  • It is also an excellent cream for windburn. On two separate occasions, I had windburn. Applied my 8 hour cream before I sleep. And the next day, it all went away.
  • I also used this to shape my brow.
  • On days/evenings out, this is a great legs moisturizer because it makes your legs glowy too! For me, it is a must to-do when I am showing my legs.
  • Another purpose that I tried was to use it as an eczema cream. I had eczema at my neck during the summer when I went back to Asia.  This '8 hour cream' really improved my neck condition. It was no longer itchy, red, dry and scaly.
  • (There are still many other uses of this cream which I have yet to tried. For example: as an highlighter, acne treatment, after-sun soother.)
 Although I love this product, there are a few drawbacks.
  • Despite being fragance free, it still has a strong smell.
  • The texture is real thick.
  • The tube packaging maybe an inconvenience when you are outside and you don't have hand sanitizer with you because you need to squeeze out the product onto your finger before applying it to your lips or other areas.
  • Your skin will be very shiny and can be very sticky if you apply too much of the product.
  • I don't think its staying power is up to 8 hours. Maybe more like a 6. Well, it will last till 8 hours only if you do no talking/eating/drinking like during your sleep. So, do remember that you will have to apply this balm after eating/drinking.

Lastly, this multi-awards winning, miracle cream will not break your bank. 
It cost USD$19.50 for 1.7oz/50g which is 100% worth it because of its multipurpose which worked well!

Would I repurchase this product? Sure, I will. In fact, I had already purchased a new tube as a backup!

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